KNP (BEIJING) MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD acts as a resource center linking partners from different markets and countries together.
The company was founded in 2004 and registered in Beijing. It was collectively established by senior academic, industrial, marketing and legal experts. It first focused on medical product marketing and registration, supplying resources that could be borrowed by medical entreprises from China and overseas. KNP then expanded to include R&D and manufacturing of cardiovascular and gynecological pharmaceuticals. Another step was taken by including infection control products bringing KNP into the operating room and as a solution provider in times of pandemic.
A rapid growth enabled KNP to become the leader of a group of companies that currently encompass several activites:
Medical and pharmaceutical activities
Chinese medicine
Import and export trade
Culture and tourism
Project operation
Covid-19 update : In a rapidly changing industry facing major stress linked to the epidemic, KNP was able to continuly provide masks, ICU respirators
and key medical disposables. It also proposes its private and state clients with long-term solutions to effectively face epidemics such as field hospitals, mask manufacturing facilities, etc.
Medical and pharmaceutical activities
KNP offers a comprehensive range of pharmaceutical and medical activities gathered in three fields :
Pharmaceutical manufacturing : This includes R&D, manufacturing management, quality control. KNP manufactures cardiovascular and gynecological medicines. It also proposes turnkey factories for medical devices and disposables such as protective masks.
CFDA registration process : With more than 15 years of registration experience, KNP supports domestic and international clients to enter the Chinese market and register pharmaceuticals, medical devices or cosmetics.
Marketing and distribution : Thanks to its pool of experts, work experience and market knowledge, KNP proposes a unique resource center to assess
and enter the Chinese market successfully. Through its extended network, KNP distributes cardiovascular, gynecological, and infection control solutions.
Covid-19 update : More than 15 years of experience enabled KNP and its partners to face this very challenging crisis. Despite various shortages and a very changing business environment, KNP was able to supply its partners with products and equipments that were available in very scarce quantity elsewhere.
The company is now also able to implement medical manufacturing facilities and field sanitary equipments worldwide.
Import and export trade
Due to its medical core historical business, KNP has mainly traded medical devices and equipments such as large imaging equipment, X-ray, color ultrasound, Haier cleaning machines, blood analyzer, biochemical analyzers, Holter heart testers, etc.;
KNP benefits from its market experience and multi-cultural interface.
Covid-19 update : Due to emergency requirements worldwide, KNP now also exports masks, disposable protective equipments and ICU respirators.
Industrial solutions are also proposed such as deployable field hospitals and protective equipment manufacturing plants.
Chinese medicine
KNP proudly promotes Chinese medicine worldwide with the support of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS).
In accordance with the People’s Republic of China Ministry of Health, KNP helps implementing academical and professional Chinese Medicine
trainings outside of China. These training enable sutdents to take Chinese Medicine diplomas outside of China.
Beginner-level trainings are also proposed.
Covid-19 update : Chinese medicine proved to be very effective during the Covid-19 pandemic. Considerable experience was gained in a very short
period of time. KNP together with the WFCMS can implement these protocols and medicines in hospitals outside of China.
Culture and tourism
As a bridge between cultures, KNP group diversified in order to cover activities related to culture and tourism :
Domaine des Souterrains : This 23.5 hectars vineyard is located in the Cher valley in central France. It proposes a full range of top quality wines that are distributed in France’s most demanding places including a score of Michelin rated restaurants and the Elysée presidential palace.
Les Souterrains : This French wine trading company sources excellent wines and distributes them in France and overseas.
Hôtellerie du Bas Bréau : A 4-star hotel and restaurant located in the artists village of Barbizon in southern Paris area. This two hundred years old hotel was the place where Robert L. Stevenson wrote Treasure Island. It is aimed at being the start point for KNP touristic development in France and western Europe.
Château de Selles-sur-Cher : Chateau de Selles-sur-Cher is a site now dedicated to tourism and wines. As a historical rich of more than one thousand years of history, It is listed in the French Cultural Heritage Directory since 1926. Through this patronage, KNP wishes to achieve two goals : First, resurrecting this important piece of French heritage through visits and events and second to use it as a start base to revitalize the territory around it. Since 2017, the castle is twinned with the famous Tai Er Zhuang Chinese heritage site in Shandong.
Project operation
KNP constantly reinvents itself by investigating new business opportunities. This asset development activity is handled by KNP Group Ltd. The company is based in France and initiates new activities.